Kerekfy 2016 h200

Rudolf Gusztin graduated in 2016 from the Musicology Department of the Liszt Academy of Music (Budapest). His research areas include 19th- and -20th-century Hungarian music history and music theory. Since May 2016, he has been employed first as scientific administrator, later as research assistant at the Department for Hungarian Music History (Institute of Musicology, RCH, HAS). He participates at the preparations and editing activities of the Department’s series of critical editions and scientific publications (Ferenc Erkel’s OperasMűhelytanulmányok a 18. Század Zenetörténetéhez [Studies for 18th-Century Music History]) as well as at the Department’s activity of data processing, cataloguing of basic research for the 18th and 19th centuries. His research area has been enlarged with his planned PhD dissertation on the 19th-century choral-movement in Hungary.

For the List of Publications click here.


5th May 2022